First Steps
As I now feel ready to start getting more professional with my hobby, I thought it would be nice to share my very first steps.
My little story, which started me with sculpting, is related to the first picture of this post. I found myself alone in the woods near my parent’s weekend cottage. There I was, sitting on a tree trunk, a little bored but in love with nature, not knowing that this would be the hour of birth of my passion. I took a branch which was laying on the ground and started carving. A little while later the thirteen-year-old me had made this little angel.
From there it was safe to say that I wanted to keep on, as I always liked to make stuff with my hands and preferably non power tools. As this angel was not looking like the one, I had in mind I immediately started to make another one.
Teaching myself the very first steps I think I got rather far. Some projects I made at that time are shown chronologically in this post.
The next step up was a one-week course in sculpting I got from my mom. The last picture shows a resulting sculpture I made at the course in Tyrol. That was with the age of fourteen.
Going on from there I made some more and less nice stuff. Not only the inconsistency of my works, but also the quality kept me of starting to sell and post them proudly.
In the beginning of 2020, I made a huge step and then started to produce some first pieces which I consider artworks.